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Ticker - Intro

Import Ticker

from yahooquery import Ticker

Create Instance

To retrieve data from Yahoo Finance for a single stock, create an instance of the Ticker class by passing the company's ticker symbol as an argument:

aapl = Ticker('aapl')

Or, pass in multiple symbols to retrieve data for multiple companies. Symbols can be passed in as a list:

symbols = ['fb', 'aapl', 'amzn', 'nflx', 'goog']
tickers = Ticker(symbols)

They can also be passed in as a string:

symbols = 'fb aapl amzn nflx goog'

tickers = Ticker(symbols)


Outside of a few properties / methods, each symbol will represent one request.

For example:

from yahooquery import Ticker

symbols = 'fb aapl amzn nflx goog'

tickers = Ticker(symbols)

# Retrieve each company's profile information
data = tickers.asset_profile

By calling the asset_profile property on the tickers instance, we're making 5 separate calls to Yahoo Finance (determined by the number of symbols).